Comms engineer, hobby photographer and future Red Teamer.
Arduino/Genuino 101 BLE Thermometer With TMP102 and Blynk
Pixie: an Arduino Based NeoPixel Wristwatch
Turn Your Old 2.5'' or 3.5'' Hard Drive Into Portable/External
Arduino Capacitive Sensor in Less Than 2 Minutes
DIY: a 5 Minutes Contactless OLED Thermometer With Arduino and MLX90614
DIY Cardboard Glider
ThermoClock: an OpenSource Arduino UNO OLED Clock That Also Measures Temperature
DIY: a 5 Minutes Arduino Voltmeter With an OLED Display
IoT Weather Station With Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 (ESP-12E) and Adafruit IO (UPDATED)
How to Update the Firmware of Your Arduino Wi-Fi Shield (not 101)
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